Why Dark Matter is baryonic matter and why we can’t see it

                            by Stefan Sfetcu, Adelheid Sfetcu, Alexander Sfetcu, Nadine Bischoff


This hypothesis ist an attempt to explain why we haven’t seen Dark Matter yet. The following will explain why Dark Matter is baryonic matter and why the explanation is to be found in comets which penetrate in our solar system from the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud. 

  1. Introduction

Why Dark Matter could be baryonic

The main argument for dark matter not to be baryonic is the Silk damping.
But how can we be sure that we can rely on the statement of the Silk damping theory in the case of dark matter? If we take a closer look on the characteristics of comets which penetrate in our solar system we might find the answer. Comets are popularly described as dirty snowballs because of their composition which is mainly ice, rock and frozen gases. This means they are clearly baryonic. But these comets have a special property. They only become visible for us from a certain distance on. All depending on the size and the composition, they become visible sooner or later. If the comets pass approximately Jupiter’s orbit towards the sun, they become visible for us. If they stray away from the sun and pass Jupiter’s orbit, they become invisible for us. Which would mean that at that point, from our point of view, they are not baryonic. But since this is not the case and we are sure that comets are baryonic matter we came to the conclusion that Dark matter is made of nothing else but the same matter as the comets are made of.  

Why the Oort cloud is made of Dark Matter

It’s been supposed that the comets in the Oort cloud are remnants of the beginnings of our solar system. This statement leads us to believe that every star in each Galaxie in this Universe must have such remnants from the beginnings of its genesis time. Now if we take a close look on the NASA graphic of the size of the Oort cloud, Kuiper belt and our solar system 
and we assume that each star in the Universe has an Oort cloud, we can say that this amount of matter wich we don’t see could be responsible for the effects which are attributed to Dark Matter. 
To explain why this original matter and its gravitational effects could be understood as dark matter, we imagine that our solar system was encased by a cube with a side-length of 12 light- hours. That is because our solar system has a diameter of 12 light-hours. If we now string further cubes of 12 light-years diameter from our sun to the next star Proxima Centauri, that would add up to: 

(4.3 𝑙𝑖𝑔h𝑡𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 365 24 = 37 668 𝑙𝑖𝑔h𝑡h𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 /12 light-hours = 3 139 𝑐𝑢𝑏𝑒𝑠 )
We assume that in each cube we could find at least between 50 - 70% of the original matter that formed our solar system. 
If we extend this grid onto the whole galaxy plus it’s halo we get an unimaginable amount of matter we don’t see but acts gravitationally. 


The conclusion ist that according to our hypothesis, the Oort cloud could be extended onto the whole interstellar space. This means that this huge amount of impure chunks of ice which act gravitationally could be the sought Dark Matter which we don’t see for the same reasons we only see comets starting from a certain distance on. If this hypotheses will be approved, researches in new directions could begin and possibly lead to new insights. 

If our assumptions turn out to be true, the generally known Standard Model could be revised and dark matter added according to these findings. 


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